Can Chiropractors help with Weight loss?

In the past 20 years there has been a substantial increase in the number of Australians classified as obese or overweight.  Information on weight loss floods the internet and television advertising and it can be confronting and overwhelming.  Weight loss begins with acceptance, willingness, education on the detrimental effects of obesity (creating a reality check), action and continuation with support first externally then internally within yourself.

Many factors cause or aggravate weight gain or inability to lose weight such as stress, hormonal changes, lack of education into healthy food choices, your brain and perception of yourself.  As AHPRA registered primary care practitioners, Chiropractors have a growing role in nutritional management, wellness and supportive care in obesity cases.

A full chiropractic examination and consultation can guide the type of care needed. Treatment is individualized, and unique to your needs and can therefore be more successful in treating weight-loss.

You can start today by writing a food and exercise diary, recording your food intake for a week so it is easier to dissect where problems may be lurking and be aware of any unhealthy patterns.

Home-tips for self care can include:

– Exercising for more than 1 hour four times a week.

– Eating 1/3 less portion size on your plate.

– Increasing plant-based foods and proteins.

– Eat slowly and mind-fully – savour each bite with its various flavours, textures and remember to chew chew chew!

– Cut out sugar.

Call us here at Coastal Chiropractic and Wellbeing for more information regarding your specific weight-loss concerns and goals.  To get the most from your visit we would like to speak to you prior to your consultation.  If you are a part of our Coastal Chiropractic community already please tell us your goals so that we can help you achieve them in your next consultation. Whether it is 2kg-30kg – we can help you and changes can be made towards a healthier and happier you!

Spinal Health Week 2015

Spinal Health Week Coastal Chiropractic





‘Get Your Happy Back’ – Press Release

This year Spinal Health Week 2015 runs from May 25 to 31, with the theme

‘Get Your Happy Back’

Every day more and more Australians experience disabling low back pain, neck pain and headaches, limiting their ability to work and engage in an active healthy life.

One explanation for this is the impact an increasingly sedentary lifestyle has on postural fitness. Think about all the hours you spend each day sitting at work or school, on a computer or other mobile device, watching television or playing computer games. Poor posture increases pressure on your spine which can cause low back pain, neck pain, headaches and fatigue.

Low back pain is a growing problem and now ranks second in Australasia and seventh in the world according to the World Health Organisation’s latest Global Burden of Disease study. Neck pain is also problematic ranking ninth in Australasia and 21st in the world.

If you suffer from back pain, neck pain or headaches or if poor postural fitness is impacting on your ability to live life to the fullest, visit our chiropractors at Coastal Chiropractic & Wellbeing and Get Your Happy Back.

Chiropractic care focuses on the relationship between body structure (primarily the spine and pelvis) and function (as coordinated by the nervous system) and how this relationship can restore and maintain health.

Each week around 215,000 patients visit an Australian chiropractor. Chiropractic care is an increasingly common and effective treatment for back pain, neck pain and headaches eliminating the need for drugs or surgery. This means chiropractic care can also be very cost effective in comparison to other types of treatment.

At Coastal Chiropractic & Wellbeing we are encouraging our patients and the Gold Coast community to begin a conversation about preventative health and wellbeing and adopt healthy habits.

Chiropractors have an important role to play in preventative health and wellbeing because they understand that a vital part of maintaining normal spinal function is by helping patients to make healthy lifestyle changes around nutrition, exercise and wellness.

Adopting healthy habits today (such as improving postural fitness) can significantly reduce the risk of injury or pain later on and have a positive impact on your self-esteem, social relationships and even mental health.

Back, neck and spinal problems are also a leading cause of lost productivity in the workplace and forced early retirement. Every year forced early retirement has a traumatic effect on the hopes and prosperity of a large number of Australians.

During 25th-31st May 2015 at Coastal Chiropractic & Wellbeing in Burleigh, we will be offering free spinal health checks to new patients to our clinic! We also have a colouring competition for the kids and can offer many healthy tips and tricks to help you Get Your Happy Back!

Who do you know that could benefit from Chiropractic Care?

Now is the time to let them know and to give us a call!

During Spinal Health Week 2015 make an appointment at Coastal Chiropractic & Wellbeing for a spinal health check-up and discover what steps you can take to improve your overall health and wellbeing and Get Your Happy Back.

Contact Kate at reception on (07) 5520 2555 to book your appointment today!

Spinal Health Week 2015 is a national initiative of the Chiropractors’ Association Australia (CAA).

Is Chiropractic Safe or Effective?

Chiropractic works!

Chiropractor Care works! Or else we simply wouldn’t be around or sustainable. Chiropractic is an EVIDENCE-based intervention for spinal care. We are regulated through APRHA and adhere to the code of conduct. AHPRA (Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency) are responsible for implementing national registration and ensuring continuing accreditation for Chiropractors. They also regulate Pharmacology, Medicine, Psychology, Physiotherapy, Dentistry, Nursing and Midwifery. Chiropractors study at least 5 years for a Masters degree in Chiropractic.

Chiropractic is safe!

Let’s put things into perspective. In 2010 Chiropractors received 41 complaints. There is also some fear surrounding risk of stroke with chiropractor adjustment. Chiropractic and incidence of stroke in the range of 1 or 2 in 1 million to 1 in 5 million.

If Chiropractors see 215,000 consultations within Australia in a week it just shows…well it must work and it must be safe. Cassidy Et al (1) looked at any differences between a stroke following a chiropractic visit and a G.P. visit. There wasn’t any greater risk leaving the Chiropractic clinic.

So why all the “bad press” especially around Paediatric Chiropractic. If Doyle (2011) (2) found no serious adverse reaction to chiropractic published in peer reviewed literature between 1992 and 2010 and no deaths were associated with Chiropractic Paediatric care…so why all this fear?

Ultimately it’s our unique individualism which gives rise to our own belief systems…thank goodness. And thank goodness for our ability to voice our opinions either through television, print or internet.

We are inviting you to write your comments below on this very emotive issue. What experiences have you had?

1. Cassidy JD, Boyle E, Lote P, HeY, Hogg-Johnson S, Silver FL, Bundy SJ. Risk of vertebrobasiliar stroke and Chiropracitc Care, Eur Spine J. 2008: 17(1):17E183
2. Doyle MF. Is Chiropractic Paediatric Care Safe: A Best Evidence Topic. Clinical Chiropractic 2011 (Sept):14(3):97-105